Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mentor.Fm: Streaming Internet Music Based On Your Facebook Likes is a web service that attempts to provide music tracks using the internet and your Facebook music preferences. It detects your music taste from your Facebook profile, and delivers tracks based on your likes on the social networking giant. creates a playlist of 10-15 tracks based on the artists you have liked on your Facebook profile, and other similar artists that you may like. Once the the last song has been played, re-starts from the first, or you can load a new playlist for new songs.

As you might have guessed by now, you will have to login with your Facebook account through the web app, and authorize the application. Once done, you can either load tracks based on your Facebook likes by using the Normal mode, or choose the Surprise Me mode for listening to totally different tracks. You can also up/down vote the songs that are streamed from the playlist.
The like and unlike buttons are meant to provide the developer with feedback, to improve their detection of music tastes for users. Each track also comes with a Buy this track option, powered by 7digital.
MentorFM - just the you will like - Mozilla Firefox_2012-01-18_12-35-56
While the service is suppose to be accurate, I was unable to obtain any likable songs, perhaps because I have no artist liked on my Facebook profile, which is because I don’t normally listen to music (so, I won’t blame the web application for that). On the contrary, Martin at Ghacks called it “Scary” in terms of being accurate, and how much Facebook knows about user preferences. So, whether is accurate or inaccurate, is something that can only be determined by individual users, and as the developer’s also claim, the results can vary.
Editor’s Note: To put Martin’s claim to test, I linked my own account with, and the app was remarkably accurate in terms of discovering my taste. Not only were the genre choices right on the mark in surprise mode, the songs presented were rather new for me, indicating a perhaps quite broad range of covered artists.
Visit: Mentor.FM

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